PCC secretaries

Welcome to our resources page for PCC secretaries. We thank you for taking on this important role in support of your PCC and its activities, which also provides a vital link between the parish and the diocese.

We understand that this is a demanding role with a vast number of things that you may need support with. We encourage you to read the information below and attend the annual workshop if possible.

Who can be a PCC Secretary?

Appointment & term of office of PCC secretaries

The PCC Secretary is appointed by the PCC at the first meeting after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. The PCC Secretary is appointed at the same time as the other officers of the PCC such as the Treasurer and the appointment is for one year CRR M17(5).

Someone can be appointed from the PCC or if not, some other fit person can be appointed to fill the role. Where they are not a member, they may (but do not have to CRR M20(4)) be co-opted to the PCC and only then become a full member of the Council with full voting rights. Whilst an existing PCC member cannot be remunerated in taking on the role, if necessary to fill the post, the PCC can decide to make the role a paid position and then later co-opt them to be a PCC member subject to putting safeguards in place over potential conflicts of interests.

The PCC Sec may also be the electoral roll officer, but need not be CRR M21 (3)

If there is a change in the PCC secretary (and similarly for deanery synod rep, treasurer and parish safeguarding officer changes) please advise dero@oxford.anglican.org. If their details have not previously been captured on the diocese's database, please also complete a M4 form and submit to dero@oxford.anglican.org

Role of a PCC Secretary

The primary responsibilities of a PCC Secretary are to support the PCC Chair in the preparation and organisation of meetings and to handle all correspondence on behalf of the PCC. They are appointed by the PCC. Duties of a PCC secretary:

1. Record keeping for the PCC

Responsible for all PCC documents relating to the current business of the PCC (except electoral roll unless they are the electoral roll officer) CRR Part 9 M20(2a), i.e. record management and for keeping the documents secure. The Church of England (CoE)’s guide Keep or Bin” sets out how long different types of document should be held and what should happen to them afterwards. For more up to date guidance regards GDPR, see the related diocese webpage or parish resources website which supersedes the data protection section in the 2009 CoE document.

2. Organising PCC meetings

Details to follow

3. Preparing the agenda for PCC meetings

In consultation with the Incumbent or vice-chair, the PCC agenda should be prepared and circulated to the PCC members in advance of the meeting. It can be helpful to establish a cyclical agenda to ensure important tasks or deliverables are not missed. See an example agenda as a guide (though note it may have more items listed than you need) and the annual calendar of parish deliverables, referred to below.

4. Keeping the minutes

To keep the minutes CRR M20(2b) and to record, as part of the minutes, any resolutions passed by the PCC CRR M20(2c). 

5. Organising and minuting the APCM - see page on APCM for further information
6. Act as the communication hub for the PCC
  • You need to keep the diocese and deanery (CRR M20(2d)) up to date of the key roles of PCC Secretary, Treasurer, Safeguarding Officer and Deanery Synod Rep (CRR M12(9)). Communications regularly go out from the diocese on information you need to know e.g. training courses, deadlines, new legislation PCCs need to comply with.  
  • If changes in these personnel occur after the first PCC meeting after the APCM (in June annually, we’ll issue you with a contacts list for your PCC, requesting confirmation of key PCC contacts), you’ll need to complete and submit an M4 to CHO at the earliest opportunity.
  • To respond to requests from the diocese and deanery as necessary, to direct or field to the relevant person.
  • We also provide a quarterly newsletter with a round-up of important information may have missed as well events and deadline that are  coming up, which you’ll only receive if you are on the central contact database (CMS). Also, once on CMS you’ll be able to register for access to this and then have contact info for people in the deanery and diocese.
  • New churchwarden appointments must be notified to the relevant Area Office.
7. Act as the compliance officer for the PCC

To ensure the PCC is meeting its deadlines and deliverables, by being aware of the PCC’s deadlines and checking with the person responsible that this has been completed. We have provided an editable annual calendar of deliverables a PCC will typically need to do as an aide memoire, for you to amend.

8. Handle correspondence

Whilst this is not a requirement of the role, where there is not a parish administrator, the PCC secretary role may also include handling the correspondence on behalf of the parish. Thank you letters, in particular, can be much appreciated to those who may have helped the parish, as well as send out notes of condolence etc.

9. Supporting the Incumbent

The PCC secretary can be an invaluable support to the Incumbent, by having a good knowledge of the rules over the governance of PCC meetings and membership and thus able to quietly advise the chair on the correct procedure where there is lack of understanding, ideally at an early stage to prevent issues arising. The Church Representation Rules are essential in this regard, but do contact sue.zajac@oxford.anglican.org with any queries on these. 

However, where there are any concerns over how the PCC is being run, this should be raised, in the first instance, with the churchwardens, as the Bishop’s officers, for follow up. However, if this is not appropriate given the issue, then raise with the Area Dean or Archdeacon.

Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCMs)

APCMs are a key part to a PCC secretary role in terms of communication with your PCC. Please see the separate webpage for everything you need to know about conducting your APCM. 

Essential reading

Organising PCC meetings

Giving notice of PCC meetings and setting the agenda

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